EENW in the News

Emerald Energy NW is striving to dramatically reduce the cost of making high-density, easily storable and transportable liquid hydrogen. As hydrogen fuel-cell technology begins to become commercially sought after for a wide range of energy and transportation sector applications, the work John Barclay has invested into Active Magnetic Regenerative Refrigeration over the last few decades has the potential to become a key component in overcoming very tangible obstacles associated with compressed hydrogen storage and several components of the hydrogen supply and distribution chain. This DOE article from 2009 highlights the limitations of large scale hydrogen liquefaction techniques and reinforces why compression is still the mainstream storage means for hydrogen...for now.

EENW, in conjunction with the Pacific Northwest National Lab, is awarded a DOE small business voucher. Expanding Transportation Fuel Options through a Seal for Rotary Wheel Magnetic Liquefiers

A new approach to magnetocaloric refrigeration is being developed by researchers at PNNL and EENW. The technology could replace the entire hydrogen liquefaction process and reduce the cost of liquefying hydrogen by 25 percent or more.

We're working on bringing an EENW patent to life that involves lasers, magnets, and passion!